Egg White & Cheese Macaroni []

Cheese macaroni is a classic recipe that can be enjoyed any time of the day. I love my portion of macaroni in my breakfast and to make it more protein rich I add egg white and cheese to it. Preparation is extremely simple, anyone can make it. What I like most about this recipe is the fact that it is low fat, moderate carb and high protein kind of recipe. Egg white & cheese Macaroni are quite filling and makes a perfect breakfast recipe for a bodybuilder. It is really simple to make it in the morning and you can use any leftover portion as post workout meal or snack. Use whole wheat macaroni and low fat cheese for this recipe for maximum health benefits. To reduce the calorie I also use skim milk for the sauce but if you are not on strict diets use whole milk and feet free to add extra cheese on the macaroni.


