Strawberry and Balsamic Grilled Chicken Salad []
- Servings: 4
- Time: 45 minutes
In including chicken in your diet you are sure to get your daily dose of protein. This protein is extremely beneficial for the development and growth of muscle, besides aiding in weight loss and maintaining body weight. Chicken also provides you essential anti-depressant properties. Therefore, you are less likely to feel stressed out or depressed in having this food regularly. Arugula is a wonderful vegetable to include in your dish as it is low in calories but high in fiber content. The presence of important vitamins like B6, niacin and thiamine in arugula helps maintain optimum health. It also has anti-cancer properties.
- calories: 462
- protein: 50
- carbs: 13
- fat: 24
- saturated fat: 5.55
- polyunsaturated fat: 1
- monounsaturated fat: 3.21
- cholesterol: 24
- sodium: 304
- potassium: 220
- dietary fiber: 1.87
- sugars: 4.71
- vitamin a: 90
- vitamin c: 53
- calcium: 63
- iron: 1
- magnesium: 0
- complex carbs: 6.42
- other fats: 14.24
- 5 fillet Chicken breast, low fat
- 1 1/4 cup Candied Pecans
- 1 1/2 cup balsamic vinaigrette
- 1 pint as purchased, yields Strawberries, raw
- 4 oz Cheese, goat, soft type
- 4 slice Pork, cured, bacon, pre-sliced, cooked, pan-fried
- 2 cup Arugula, raw
- 2 cup Baby Spinach
- First, you need to prepare salad using baby spinach, pecans, crumbled goat cheese, strawberries and arugula
- Add balsamic vinaigrette and chicken on a ziplock bag and keep it in a fridge for anywhere between 30 minutes to overnight.
- In the meantime, you can heat the grill and gently coat it with little oil.
- Now place the marinated chicken on the grill and cook for 4 minutes on both sides. After cooking, set the chicken aside.
- After slicing the chicken assemble, serve it with freshly prepared salad.