Easter Breakfast Casserole with Asparagus and Artichoke Hearts [Bulkbites.com]

Artichokes are extremely healthy food items you can consider including in your diet plans. Some of the most powerful antioxidants like silymarin, luteolin, quercertin, cynarin, rutin, etc are found in appreciable quantities in artichokes. Artichokes are also useful in preventing and treating cancer. Furthermore, they are good for digestion, liver health and for increasing bile flow. Being high in fiber content artichokes are also used for reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Asparagus has been included in this dish because it is rich in lots of nutrients. Eating asparagus on a regular basis helps fight against diseases like cancer. Besides this, asparagus is loaded with antioxidants and are therefore beneficial in neutralizing the effects of free radicals.


