Monday |
Protein 248 of 250 | Carbs 260 of 270 | Fat 81 of 75 |
Breakfast |
sconesServings: 115 - 2.89g kcal0.07g protein 0.55g carbs 0.06g fat bodybuildingrecipes/scones-40456 |
BanaanServings: 1 - 84g kcal2g protein 19g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/banaan-40278 |
Peanut Butter PowderServings: 1 - 51.24g kcal6.1g protein 3.9g carbs 1.4g fat bodybuildingrecipes/peanut-butter-powder-40491 |
Stonyfield Organic Fat Free MilkServings: 330 - 0.32g kcal0.03g protein 0.05g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/stonyfield-organic-fat-free-milk-37695 |
whey perfectionServings: 2 - 115.64g kcal23g protein 3g carbs 1.5g fat bodybuildingrecipes/whey-perfection-40279 |
cacaoServings: 1.5 - 36.2g kcal2g protein 1.2g carbs 2.6g fat bodybuildingrecipes/cacao-40396 |
HoneyServings: 0.5 - 68.88g kcal0.06g protein 17.3g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/honey-5942 |
carpaccio ahServings: 0.5 - 144g kcal25.2g protein 0g carbs 5.76g fat bodybuildingrecipes/carpaccio-ah-40499 |
Morning snack |
Lunch |
BanaanServings: 1 - 84g kcal2g protein 19g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/banaan-40278 |
havermoutServings: 0.4 - 367g kcal13g protein 63g carbs 7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/havermout-40277 |
Stonyfield Organic Fat Free MilkServings: 1 - 76.8g kcal7.99g protein 12g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/stonyfield-organic-fat-free-milk-37695 |
HoneyServings: 0.5 - 68.88g kcal0.06g protein 17.3g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/honey-5942 |
Gemarineerde kipfilet a la minute lidlServings: 2 - 147g kcal21g protein 0g carbs 7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/gemarineerde-kipfilet-a-la-minute-lidl-40311 |
chilisaus go tanServings: 0.1 - 216g kcal0g protein 54g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/chilisaus-go-tan-40315 |
Chia- & LijnzaadmixServings: 1 - 41.4g kcal1.94g protein 1.78g carbs 3.09g fat bodybuildingrecipes/chia-lijnzaadmix-40492 |
Afternoon snack |
Twister waterijsServings: 1 - 42.5g kcal0.5g protein 9g carbs 0.7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/twister-waterijs-40515 |
Dinner |
Broccoli frozen lidlServings: 2 - 16g kcal3g protein 2g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/broccoli-frozen-lidl-40474 |
Kogelbiefstuk marvest lidlServings: 2 - 127.5g kcal27g protein 1g carbs 3g fat bodybuildingrecipes/kogelbiefstuk-marvest-lidl-40375 |
aardappelServings: 200 - 0.76g kcal0.02g protein 0.17g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/aardappel-40376 |
roomboter milbonaServings: 1 - 311.64g kcal0.25g protein 0.46g carbs 34.44g fat bodybuildingrecipes/roomboter-milbona-40516 |
Late night snack |
suikerServings: 0.3 - 40g kcal0g protein 10g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/suiker-40398 |
whey perfectionServings: 1.2 - 115.64g kcal23g protein 3g carbs 1.5g fat bodybuildingrecipes/whey-perfection-40279 |
Stonyfield Organic Fat Free MilkServings: 1 - 76.8g kcal7.99g protein 12g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/stonyfield-organic-fat-free-milk-37695 |
Tuesday |
Protein 257 of 250 | Carbs 259 of 270 | Fat 77 of 75 |
Breakfast |
Stonyfield Organic Fat Free MilkServings: 350 - 0.32g kcal0.03g protein 0.05g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/stonyfield-organic-fat-free-milk-37695 |
whey perfectionServings: 2 - 115.64g kcal23g protein 3g carbs 1.5g fat bodybuildingrecipes/whey-perfection-40279 |
Chia- & LijnzaadmixServings: 2 - 41.4g kcal1.94g protein 1.78g carbs 3.09g fat bodybuildingrecipes/chia-lijnzaadmix-40492 |
havermoutServings: 0.4 - 367g kcal13g protein 63g carbs 7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/havermout-40277 |
BanaanServings: 1 - 84g kcal2g protein 19g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/banaan-40278 |
cacaoServings: 1 - 36.2g kcal2g protein 1.2g carbs 2.6g fat bodybuildingrecipes/cacao-40396 |
Peanut Butter PowderServings: 1 - 51.24g kcal6.1g protein 3.9g carbs 1.4g fat bodybuildingrecipes/peanut-butter-powder-40491 |
omega 3Servings: 1 - 8.91g kcal0g protein 0g carbs 1g fat bodybuildingrecipes/omega-3-40283 |
Clarinol CLAServings: 3 - 9g kcal0g protein 0g carbs 1g fat bodybuildingrecipes/clarinol-cla-40288 |
Morning snack |
Lunch |
Afternoon snack |
Kogelbiefstuk marvest lidlServings: 1 - 127.5g kcal27g protein 1g carbs 3g fat bodybuildingrecipes/kogelbiefstuk-marvest-lidl-40375 |
tonijn stateman op waterServings: 1 - 130g kcal32.5g protein 0g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/tonijn-stateman-op-water-40513 |
Heinz ketchupServings: 25 - 0.96g kcal0.01g protein 0.23g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/heinz-ketchup-40468 |
Jam Aardbei LinessaServings: 2 - 31.2g kcal0g protein 7.8g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/jam-aardbei-linessa-40403 |
volkoren beschuit ahServings: 28.5 - 3.87g kcal0.17g protein 0.64g carbs 0.08g fat bodybuildingrecipes/volkoren-beschuit-ah-40448 |
Peanut Butter PowderServings: 1 - 51.24g kcal6.1g protein 3.9g carbs 1.4g fat bodybuildingrecipes/peanut-butter-powder-40491 |
Dinner |
Spaghetti Integrali lidlServings: 1 - 338g kcal12g protein 68g carbs 2g fat bodybuildingrecipes/spaghetti-integrali-lidl-40517 |
BologneseServings: 1 - 455.9g kcal43g protein 19g carbs 25g fat bodybuildingrecipes/bolognese-40518 |
Grana PadanoServings: 1 - 115.2g kcal9.9g protein 0g carbs 8.4g fat bodybuildingrecipes/grana-padano-40519 |
Late night snack |
BanaanServings: 2 - 84g kcal2g protein 19g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/banaan-40278 |
tonijn stateman op waterServings: 1 - 130g kcal32.5g protein 0g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/tonijn-stateman-op-water-40513 |
KnackebrodServings: 13 - 4.01g kcal0.12g protein 0.77g carbs 0.05g fat bodybuildingrecipes/knackebrod-40447 |
Vita D'or PindakaasServings: 25 - 6.55g kcal0.23g protein 0.08g carbs 0.59g fat bodybuildingrecipes/vita-dor-pindakaas-40321 |
Wednesday |
Protein 249 of 250 | Carbs 260 of 270 | Fat 74 of 75 |
Breakfast |
Vita D'or PindakaasServings: 25 - 6.55g kcal0.23g protein 0.08g carbs 0.59g fat bodybuildingrecipes/vita-dor-pindakaas-40321 |
whey perfectionServings: 2 - 115.64g kcal23g protein 3g carbs 1.5g fat bodybuildingrecipes/whey-perfection-40279 |
Peanut Butter PowderServings: 1 - 51.24g kcal6.1g protein 3.9g carbs 1.4g fat bodybuildingrecipes/peanut-butter-powder-40491 |
omega 3Servings: 1 - 8.91g kcal0g protein 0g carbs 1g fat bodybuildingrecipes/omega-3-40283 |
Chia- & LijnzaadmixServings: 2 - 41.4g kcal1.94g protein 1.78g carbs 3.09g fat bodybuildingrecipes/chia-lijnzaadmix-40492 |
cacaoServings: 1 - 36.2g kcal2g protein 1.2g carbs 2.6g fat bodybuildingrecipes/cacao-40396 |
Stonyfield Organic Fat Free MilkServings: 300 - 0.32g kcal0.03g protein 0.05g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/stonyfield-organic-fat-free-milk-37695 |
Clarinol CLAServings: 3 - 9g kcal0g protein 0g carbs 1g fat bodybuildingrecipes/clarinol-cla-40288 |
havermoutServings: 0.4 - 367g kcal13g protein 63g carbs 7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/havermout-40277 |
Morning snack |
Lunch |
subway kaasServings: 1 - 38.5g kcal2.2g protein 0g carbs 3.3g fat bodybuildingrecipes/subway-kaas-40496 |
30 cm chicken teriyaki subServings: 0.5 - 638.4g kcal49.01g protein 100.99g carbs 8.02g fat bodybuildingrecipes/30-cm-chicken-teriyaki-sub-40437 |
extra portie chicken teriyakiServings: 0.5 - 168.48g kcal29g protein 11g carbs 2.61g fat bodybuildingrecipes/extra-portie-chicken-teriyaki-40484 |
chilisaus go tanServings: 0.2 - 216g kcal0g protein 54g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/chilisaus-go-tan-40315 |
Afternoon snack |
Spaghetti Integrali lidlServings: 1 - 338g kcal12g protein 68g carbs 2g fat bodybuildingrecipes/spaghetti-integrali-lidl-40517 |
BologneseServings: 0.7 - 455.9g kcal43.01g protein 18.99g carbs 25g fat bodybuildingrecipes/bolognese-40518 |
Dinner |
kipfiletServings: 2 - 101g kcal23g protein 0g carbs 1g fat bodybuildingrecipes/kipfilet-40330 |
aardappelServings: 250 - 0.76g kcal0.02g protein 0.17g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/aardappel-40376 |
Broccoli frozen lidlServings: 2 - 20g kcal3g protein 2g carbs 0g fat bodybuildingrecipes/broccoli-frozen-lidl-40474 |
Oil, coconutServings: 5 - 9g kcal0g protein 0g carbs 1g fat bodybuildingrecipes/oil-coconut-530 |
Late night snack |
whey perfectionServings: 1 - 115.64g kcal23g protein 3g carbs 1.5g fat bodybuildingrecipes/whey-perfection-40279 |
Peanut Butter PowderServings: 1.2 - 51.24g kcal6.1g protein 3.9g carbs 1.4g fat bodybuildingrecipes/peanut-butter-powder-40491 |