Monday |
Protein 167 of 164 | Carbs 444 of 725 | Fat 79 of 71 |
Breakfast |
Milk, reduced fat, fluid, 2% milkfat, without added vitamin A and vitamin DServings: 1 - 91.02g kcal8.12g protein 11.81g carbs 4.87g fat bodybuildingrecipes/milk-reduced-fat-fluid-2-milkfat-without-added-vitamin-a-and-vitamin-d-7977 |
Grilled Chicken SandwichServings: 1 - 296g kcal20g protein 41g carbs 7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/grilled-chicken-sandwich-326 |
Morning snack |
Yogurt, Greek, plain, nonfatServings: 1 - 88.4g kcal17.32g protein 6.12g carbs 0.66g fat bodybuildingrecipes/yogurt-greek-plain-nonfat-8744 |
Bananas, rawServings: 1 - 125.12g kcal1.48g protein 31.06g carbs 0.45g fat bodybuildingrecipes/bananas-raw-2105 |
Lunch |
Hummus Veggie Sandwich on Whole GrainServings: 1 - 304g kcal12g protein 45g carbs 9g fat bodybuildingrecipes/hummus-veggie-sandwich-on-whole-grain-1308 |
Apples, raw, with skinServings: 1 - 94.64g kcal0.47g protein 25.13g carbs 0.31g fat bodybuildingrecipes/apples-raw-with-skin-2068 |
Afternoon snack |
Baked OatmealServings: 1 - 282g kcal9g protein 46g carbs 8g fat bodybuildingrecipes/baked-oatmeal--1273 |
Milk, reduced fat, fluid, 2% milkfat, without added vitamin A and vitamin DServings: 1 - 91.02g kcal8.12g protein 11.81g carbs 4.87g fat bodybuildingrecipes/milk-reduced-fat-fluid-2-milkfat-without-added-vitamin-a-and-vitamin-d-7977 |
Dinner |
King Ranch Chicken CasseroleServings: 1 - 429g kcal58g protein 21g carbs 13g fat bodybuildingrecipes/king-ranch-chicken-casserole-1294 |
Pear and Granola Whole Wheat MuffinsServings: 2 - 161g kcal4g protein 29g carbs 4g fat bodybuildingrecipes/pear-and-granola-whole-wheat-muffins-1073 |
Sweet Potato Stir Fry With Caramelized And Green OnionsServings: 1 - 255g kcal4g protein 48g carbs 7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/sweet-potato-stir-fry-with-caramelized-and-green-onions-396 |
Late night snack |
Pumpkin Pop-oversServings: 1 - 362g kcal16g protein 55g carbs 9g fat bodybuildingrecipes/pumpkin-pop-overs-1254 |
Peppermint Pattie FrappesServings: 1 - 262g kcal6g protein 44g carbs 7g fat bodybuildingrecipes/peppermint-pattie-frappes-1190 |